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Therapeutic applications: Conditions associated with negative nitrogen balance, which is necessary to promote protein anabolism, or prevent protein catabolism (after burn in long-term recovery, after heavy operations in infectious and febrile diseases, etc.) in combination for the treatment of osteoporosis in women for the treatment of severe breast cancer, adrenal androgen substitution in Addison’s disease in children with delayed growth during puberty, supportive treatment of some chronic diseases, etc.

Description: This formulation was developed by the late 50th years and will shortly become the most popular abused anabolic-androgenic agent athletes of different disciplines. It has a powerful anabolic (as well as androgen) action, which is reflected in the rapid increase in strength and muscle mass. It is argued that in the first weeks of this resource can be recorded weekly 1-2 kg gain quality muscle, and this trend continues as 4-6 weeks. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it greatly improves the appetite. Aromatizes, however, very easily, which means that a substantial part converted into estrogen, which causes the typical problems of typical use of the means of this type. Moreover, belongs to the group of 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, from which it is clear that it is highly toxic to the liver. The anabolic potential consumers, there is still information from one study to methandienone – confirmed that after 10 days of intake 10 mg dose leads to reduction of natural testosterone production by 40%, so no wonder, when after discontinuation recorded fast loss of power, as well as weight. Is not only caused mainly due to the elimination of methandienone water retention, but also very slow return to normal levels in the body’s own production of testosterone.
Finally, some of the therapeutic practice – efficiency means increasing calcium and vitamin D, while it reduces the tetracyclines.

Abused benefits: They differ depending on whether the consumer is doping bodybuilder, weightlifter, shot putter or discus thrower. Moreover, as with nearly all anabolic-androgenic steroids, even when it exists so strong. “Wearing off phenomenon” (effective means for long term administration, despite ever increasing dose decreases). Known as testimony that some longstanding Doping sinners and used more than 100 mg daily dose without significant progress, but at the beginning of anabolic beginners and 5-15 mg brought incredible improvement. In the foreign literature were published opinions that raising abused doses above 40 mg and weighing 100 kg at Borca is bare nonsense, because in this case (as in many others), there is naturally a higher dose ratio = better result. Similarly, long-term abuse produces almost no results. The information published on this means is obvious that is often abused in combination with less toxic injectable anabolic-androgenic steroid nandrolone decanoate type and phenylpropionate.
If required, an increase in mass is often abused in combination with testosterone mix means, and if requirements increase strength and size, it is a combination of means, oxandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone undecanoate, but also means harder to type oxymetholone. Also interesting information that methandienone is very fit for precompetitive period, as strong aromatization can hinder fat burning and also there is a large water retention resulting in flat design muscles.

Form: Tablets containing 1 mg, 5 mg, gel containing 0.5%.


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Therapeutic applications: Unrecognized.

Description: Almost no anabolic-androgenic steroids there is so much conflicting information than just a means of containing stanozolol. Somebody enacted into heaven as truly miraculous means, while others claim that the doping consumers are totally uninteresting. I hardly do conclusively why (it could probably answer just Doping consumers themselves), but the truth is that it is a special agent already that exists in two forms – tablet and injection. Injection mold also has the active ingredient dissolved in oil, as is the case with injectable anabolic-androgenic means of this type quite common, but in the water. It is argued that the athletes appeared to him in the 80th years and became notorious after the Olympic Games in Seoul, when it managed to peak abuse runner Ben Johnson. Doping consumers from among bodybuilders certainly not too much for this agent. You can just go into the history and information you would find that it was stanozolol caused disqualification Shawn Ray and King Nimrod in 1990 from professional bodybuilding competitions (Arnold’s Classic Iron Man) in the first attempt to introduce doping tests in this group of athletes. These examples show that athletes seeking to increase their performance by enhancing drugs though (unlike some experts) admit their effectiveness.
Injection form is available stanozololu foreign materials generally considered to be more effective than oral form. The available materials indicated that the popularity of this resource among consumers of doping can not alter the fact that the active ingredient is dissolved in water, creating the necessary application in short periods of time. Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, so flavored to estrogens and rarely results in increased water retention. I therefore tends mainly abused in preparation for competition. In combination with other anabolic-androgenic means alleged in volume and time produces good results in the increase of strength and quality muscle mass.
It is generally said to be very slightly negative effects, but in the case of long-term resource exploitation can significantly increase. In this case, headaches are common, an increase in HDL and LDL, or high blood pressure. Negative effects on the liver is determined by the size abused doses.
Although there is no scientifically substantiated claim that the Pill is less effective as a form of injection, most doping consumers can hand in the fire, that’s right. It is believed that this view was because of the difference from abusing dosage that is for both forms of different. In tablet form, given that it is 17-alpha-alkylated agent, doping consumers if they want to avoid severe damage to the liver bound to take advantage of reduced milligram daily dose.
Side effects of tablet forms are adequately filled form. But unanswered question is how the organism athlete can sign a long-term abuse, or administration of massive doses of this agent.

Abused benefits: From information available shows that the injectable form is being abused in preparation for competition in doses of 50 mg every other day or even daily (given the application of 100 mg twice a week), most often in combination with androgénnejšími means it itself reportedly does not sufficiently protect against muscle loss caused by reduced calorie diet and high intensity training. In this context, the combination of the means indicate trenbolone acetate and trenbolone, methenolone enanthate, oxandrolone, fluoxymesterone, testosterone propionate and STH.
The volume term in itself does not cause a significant increase in muscle mass, but shows its effectiveness in combination with means oxymetholone, testosterone-mix means and nandrolone decanoate and propionate.
As shown in the previous lines, doping sinners in the tablet form of abuse significantly lower doses than in the form of injection. The available information indicates that the daily amount, regardless of the period of preparation is in the range 10-30 mg, and is divided into two daily doses.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 50 mg tablets containing 2 mg, 5 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: Currently, this facility is only made in preparations for veterinary use – for horses, cattle and dogs. However, based on available information, this agent produces interesting results for doping just consumers who allegedly can not be achieved classic anabolic-androgenic agents. It has a powerful anabolic effect with a moderate androgenic effect. Although not produce massive muscle growth and strength in a short time, but a strong effect on protein synthesis result ultimately even to slow, but very high quality gains without excessive water retention. It is mentioned in the sustainability of the results achieved by this means, which remain almost unchanged for several weeks after steroid cycle. Another appreciated feature is its low aromatization ability, which exploits the pre-competition training to gain muscle hardness dramatic, especially in combination with traditional anabolic-androgenic steroids. Indicate the effect of the increased Insulin Pump and excessive vein reached just abuse Boldenone undecylenate.

The side effects are mentioned only very rarely acne escalation of aggression, so. application of steroid-induced fever is not exactly the cleanest veterinary resources. Emphasizing its low negative impact on liver function.

Abused benefits: The available materials that abused weekly dose ranges from 50-300 mg, with a mean abuse is considered to be 50 mg formulation applied every other day.

Form: Glass 10 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml bottle containing 25 mg and 50 mg in 1 ml.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: It is almost identical to the body’s own dihydrotestosterone, whereupon often referred to as a synthetic dihydrotestosterone. The available information indicates that it is mainly androgenic effects and processes rather than on building muscle mass and strength is being misused in preparation for the competition as a means of ensuring the desired muscle hardness. It is alleged that he used Doping especially those consumers who expect the possibility of being subjected to doping controls. Apparently not act to increase the ratio of epitestosterone / testosterone above the limit line.

Abused benefits: Unknown.

Form: Tablets containing 5 mg, 25 mg, 2.5% gel content, the solution with 2% and 5%.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: This resource is actually a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, resulting in highly desired feature – flavored or at high doses. Belongs to najzneužívanejším anabolic-androgenic steroid in the pre-competition period, as a result of its application is said to brutal muscle hardness and density, provided that the builder has already achieved a very low rate of subcutaneous fat. The available information indicates that drostanolone propionate is abused in volume periods, especially those doping consumers who have problems with the use of flavoring easy resources or resources are focused on low-or no hepatotoxicity. In that event, muscle gain, or increases in strength, not particularly dramatic.
      The application of this resource is again marked by speeches side of which stands the risk of very severe acne and hair loss quickly.

Abused benefits: The published information that the agent abused approximately 4 weeks prior to the competition, in doses ranging from 100 mg to 300 mg in one week. Of course, in this case Doping consumers often extend when combined with other agents. Most often it is the testosterone propionate, oxandrolone, stanozolol, trenbolone enanthate and methenolone.

Form: Injection ampoule of 50 mg, 100 mg, solution for injection containing 5%.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: The available information suggests that it is an anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse at a time when consumers prefer Doping gain strength before muscle growth and the associated increase in weight. It is therefore clear that the abuse usually where there is limited competition weight categories. In addition, apparently contributes significantly to obtain muscle hardness and definition due to high just androgénnosti while not uninteresting, it appears also know that in the case of lower doses causes only a weak or no water retention. Has gained its popularity among the ranks of athletes boxers and American football players, as a contributor to resistance to hard training and dedication to the Border.
Fluoxymesterone is among the most toxic androgenic-anabolic steroids, which can also be a relatively short-term application, sign the body is very negative – particularly in the work of the liver. Toxicity perhaps he settled just classic Methyltestosterone.

Abused benefits: According to foreign literature borderline abused dose range up to 20 mg per day means, the daily amount is divided into two doses. The said amount is so high burden on the liver, that even the main Doping gambler fluoxymesterone not allow you to take more than 4 weeks without a break.

Form: Tablets containing 1 mg, 2 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg.


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Therapeutic application: For male hypogonadism caused by insufficient production of testosterone, medical conditions requiring support body protein anabolism, male osteoporosis.

Description: This is an androgenic agent, which many are taking Doping sinners because of its potentially powerful anti-estrogenic properties. Unlike tamoxifen citrate, which only blocks the estrogen receptors, mesterolone reportedly prevents aromatization directly and strongly inhibits the formation of oestrogens alone. Recently, however, indicates abuse as a means to gain muscle mass despite relatively low anabolic effect. According to foreign materials resulting from misuse of the facility is improved muscle hardness, density and vydefinovanosť, which is especially noticeable in preparation for the competition.
The side effects are reported as allegedly too weak – even with several weeiks dosing. Low doses are not expected or negative effects on the liver or kidneys. I do not know if it deemed undesirable side effects, but due to the therapeutic effect is often mentioned doping sinners long relentless penis erection only with painful symptoms.

Abused benefits: Probably due to the very effective anti-estrogenic effect, I never met with abused daily dose exceeding 25-50 mg. Very often, however, the combination of the resources mentioned testolactone and tamoxifen citrate. I met, however, with the statement that where required for muscle growth and daily dosage reached 100 mg.

Form: Tablets containing 10 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: This is an almost pure anabolic agent operating with extremely low androgenic effect. Nevertheless abusing him Doping consumers only to a limited extent, it contributes only a small weight gain, muscle mass and strength. Even so was probably deployed for a longer period of time to slowly recorded results were ultimately matching expectations. All were reportedly on the other hand, a balanced-lasting progress.

Whereas this is not a 17-alpha-alkylated composition indicated by the relative safety of the liver. Relativity means that the relatively high doses and prolonged use means there is still a risk of increased bilirubin levels. Other side effects known from other abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids, when in the device (except hair loss) on available materials mentioned.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that the effective daily dose in the range of 50-150 mg. Is significantly below the expected therapeutic dose. As it’s been typical for doping consumer or the agent alone is not abused. The most commonly abused in combination with a means to moderate androgénnosťou that cause excessive water retention – eg. enathate methenolone, stanozolol and trenbolone. Some material is conditioned by its high intake of fast and massive inactivation in the digestive tract.

Interestingly it seems to me the argument that it can be prevented sublingual drug in solution is obtained by mixing methenolone acetate with heated oil containing vitamin E (just for example. Pierced a few capsules of vitamin E).

Form: Tablets containing 5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: This is a form of injection enanthátovú means methenolone, which has a much longer duration of action than is the case in tablet form acetate. Most doping sinner sees this as a good resource base of nearly all anabolic cycles, even though its effect is said to be slightly weaker than the known nandrolone decanoate. The available information shows that the abuse usually during the construction of a large muscle mass, but some Doping sinners be applied in preparation for the competition. It should be pointed out that, compared to the acetate form causes greater storage of water in the muscles.

Side effects is very small – usually it is a lightweight acne. Flavored, does not increase blood pressure and are not known or significant adverse effects on the liver. Generally regarded as the safest injectable form of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse by some who Doping sinners who caused the 17-alpha-alkylated steroids significant damage to the body. Of course, all of the published data do not exclude a potential danger in the event of massive administration for a long time.

Abused benefits: The available materials that weekly amount of abuse this facility is in the range 100-200 mg, which is usually combined with other anabolic-androgenic agents. During the building of muscle mass is most often mentioned of type mix testosterone, stanozolol, nandrolone decanoate as well. In preparation for the competition is being abused with other “harder” doping agents.

I am interested in information about that doping sinners who, due to the potential danger of avoiding strong hepatotoxic agent, methenolone enanthate successfully combined with testosterone undecanoate.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 50 mg, 100 mg.


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Therapeutic application: Men – with proven androgen supplementation deficit of endogenous production, women – mastodynia, postmenopausal osteoporosis, inoperable metastatic breast cancer.

Description: This is an effective oral form of testosterone. As is known, a single oral administration of testosterone in the liver varies largely inactive ingredient and the blood gets to the active form only 5-10% of the administered activity. Methyltestosterone works very shortly after, so frequently mentioned forms of abuse just before exercise (training, competition) serving to go-go consumer doping for higher performance. They documented abuse weightlifters, throwers and American football players.
In bodybuilding, it is used mainly in the bulk preparation. The result is abuse of power increase and weight gain caused by the massive accumulation of water. Where it is used alone, after withdrawal there is a rapid return to the side. The available literature is also mentioned abuse in preparation for the competition, where low-energy diet often results in only modest training deployment. Methyltestosterone tend to misuse these states reportedly very rare.
The composition is characterized by a whole range of side effects – from hepatotoxicity through significant fluid and salt retention and the associated high blood pressure to headaches and acne. Known as the data become uncontrollable rage caused by just such means.

Abused benefits: Because of the high toxicity means that specified by the boundary term of abuse are 4 weeks. In the available literature, or in the case of doping sinners who confess to megadávok application of anabolic-androgenic steroids, I met with more than a dose of 25-50 mg per day.

Form: Tablets, coated tablets and sublingual form containing 1-25 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Exhaustive disease with negative nitrogen balance, including the osteoporosis that occurs with long-term corticosteroid therapy, recovery after severe infections, burns and surgery, metastatic breast cancer, treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy etc.

Description: This product, which appeared on the market beginning 60th years, was one of the most popular means of doping in the days when there is no risk of doping controls. At present, because of the long time it screened only those abusing Doping consumers which there is no such risk. In various articles and papers published abroad is emphasized by its unique ability to increase muscle and strength gains when supply sufficient quantities of protein, as well as the ability to suppress pain in the joints (shoulders, knees, elbows) due to high water retention in these problematic areas.

In addition to the classic negative resulting from its abuse, is also mentioned poor blood clotting, manifested as frequent nosebleeds. Noteworthy is also indicated very low hepatotoxicity.

Abused benefits: It is argued that the best results are achieved with weekly dosing 2-4 mg agent per kilogram, while lower doses rarely lead to satisfactory results. Interesting is also that higher doses or conversely produce results that can be achieved for the aforementioned 4 mg per kilogram in one week. It often can be met with the argument that nandrolone decanoate is being abused with other anabolic-androgenic steroids, such as methandienone, testosterone mix means, which supposedly creates the ideal combination to gain massive muscle mass. In preparation for the competition are often misused funds combined with stanozolol, oxandrolone and trenbolone.

For the older age anabolic abusive, or for those who already have liver problems or want to reduce the risk from unauthorized applications anabolic-androgenic steroids is also reportedly interesting the combination of testosterone undecanoate.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg in 1 ml.


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Therapeutic applications: Exhaustive disease with negative nitrogen balance, including the osteoporosis that occurs with long-term corticosteroid therapy, recovery after severe infections, burns and surgery, metastatic breast cancer, treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy etc.

Description: This is to say the younger brother of the famous nandrolone decanoate, which differs notably shorter scope, hence the need for more frequent applications. Gets into the blood shortly after application and has been active for several days. Available information suggests that anabolic consumers who use this means they want to achieve the desired results, so the application must be repeated every 2-3 days. Its effect significantly increases protein synthesis, which is popular as the volume periods, as well as in preparation for the competition, as compared with nandrolone decanoate makes the body much less water retention. In addition, gains obtained nandrolone phenylpropionate are better and more durable than in the case of application of nandrolone decanoate. Reportedly, his side effects are slightly weaker.

Abused benefits: Moving in the range 50-100 mg in a single dose, or 150-300 mg in a week. Naturally, consumers rarely experienced anabolic abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids alone, but combine them together. The published information shows that most doping dose of either agent as stanozolol, testosterone propionate, methandienone, oxandrolone, and oxymetholone or testosterone undecanoate.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 10 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Exhaustive disease with negative nitrogen balance, including the osteoporosis that occurs with long-term corticosteroid therapy, recovery after severe infections, burns and surgery, metastatic breast cancer, treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy etc.

Description: The available information suggests that it is a popular doping agent, which is valued at a high anabolic and low androgenic effect. It is argued that it is much more effective in the increase of muscle mass as well as the regeneration of nandrolone decanoate. Anabolic consumers who have experience with it, although indicate more frequent application (usually 1-2 times a week), but that is more balanced effect.
Increased expressions of flavoring supposedly occur only at very high doses, which is also linked to severe water retention resulting in an increase in high blood pressure. Other typical manifestations of anabolic-androgenic steroids as powerful acne light or gynecomastia usually disappear after discontinuation of this agent.

The abused dose: Ranges from 161 mg to 322 mg per week.

Form: Injection ampoules containing 80.5 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Speeding up growth in children and preventive agent against osteoporosis in women in the United States is reportedly using 20 mg form (oxandrin) for supportive treatment in AIDS diseases.

Description: Of available information strongly suggests that it is the consumers of doping one of the most popular resources, which exploits more than 30 years. It causes a very strong gains in strength without excessive weight gain because the body does not produce almost no water retention. Another feature which Doping sinners appreciate its “inability” or flavored with greater and longer use. They are used mainly older age athletes, and those who, although suffering from certain health problems (eg gynecomastia) can not be without abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids to get the necessary tender form. The last feature that you Doping consumers in the device is highly valued is its ability not to affect endogenous testosterone production.

The side effects most frequently mentioned acne. Despite the generally mild side effects, it probably means that it is prudent to take a long and continuously in high doses in order to improve their athletic performance like this, although in one study, published in the magazine Muscle Media 2000, claims that 80 mg daily or AIDS significantly affect the liver.

Abused benefits: The foreign material is mentioned several possibilities for abuse, usually in combination with other agents. Oxandrolone itself does not cause a significant qualitative change in muscle mass even when applied daily doses ranging from 10-25 mg, but as for the abuse, together with clenbuterol hydrochloride and fluoxymesterone are given excellent results in obtaining hardness and muscle density. If exploited, together with nandrolone phenylpropionate, testosterone or means, reportedly the result tend to be large, quality muscle gains and extremely rapid muscle recovery after excessive and extremely intense training load. The aforementioned is also easy to misuse funds aromatizovateľnými type oxymetholone and methandienone. Naturally, he found the greatest abuse in pre-competition training, which is indicated by means of a combination of stanozolol, trenbolone, methenolone acetate, drostanolon, but testosterone propionate.

For a very effective combination, which can gain strength and muscle mass, is considered to be the combination of testosterone undecanoate. The optimal daily amount of resorption can ensure its division into several daily doses taken after meals.

Form: Tablets of 0.5 mg, 2.5 mg, reference is made 20 mg.


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Therapeutic application: It is used most often in the treatment of aplastic anemia due to bone marrow hypoplasia, which refractometer to conventional therapy.

Description: Is the strongest and most effective anabolic-androgenic steroid, which it is claimed that can provide at short notice fantastic results in an increase in strength and mass. Given that a significant capacity to retain water in the body, muscle gains achieved with this tool are usually thick mass, with typical swollen and pouring light muscle without any carvings. I therefore abused mainly in mimosúťažnom, volume periods, where it acts as a growth and strength accelerator, said unattainable with the pump effect. Recorded is even so powerful muscle pumps muscle, which is sufficient for above-average load muscles with just a few sets for a muscle group. In addition, oxymetholone is reportedly able to hold the force level at high level almost throughout the training unit. Experienced anabolic diversionary claim that significant water retention and poor quality muscle in this period can be reduced discipline in combination with diet and some anti-estrogenic active agents (tamoxifen, mesterolone). Moreover, in this case, are given a strong regenerative effects, which can also cause that some of the means used by bodybuilders to success in preparing for competition. In this case, however, problems with water retention must be addressed radically – more abuse enhancing drugs – diuretics.

If you started to whoop for joy that there is finally something for you, dear Doping consumers, I have also some less encouraging information – in the case of high doses or for long-term abuse, belongs to the group of anabolic-androgenic steroids with the most harmful effects. Besides the fact that it in this case to give many direct relevance to the formation of liver cancer, is very rapidly converted to estrogen, which significantly contribute to the emergence of a well-known gynecomastia. High salt and water retention increases blood pressure with consequent negative phenomena in the body. Of course there are other negative factors, characteristic for almost all abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids.

Abused benefits: It is one of the few anabolic-androgenic steroids, which abused dose is significantly lower than the so-called. dose therapy, commonly used in the treatment process. The package insert indicates the therapeutic dosage usually 1-5 mg per kg body weight, as if weighing 100 kg doping induces the consumer believing that even 500 mg per day would not be enough. Available information suggests that athletes due to the high toxicity of the agent considered to be optimal dose 50-100 mg per day. Of course there is only a short-term abuse of this facility (up to 4-5 weeks) and because this means receptors respond only briefly.

The testimonies doping consumers often mentioned its combination with other anabolic-androgenic agent, most of nandrolone phenylpropionate, testosterone propionate, or trenbolone. Oxymetholone affects a significant reduction in the production of testosterone, especially when combined with testosterone mix preparations. I therefore steroid treatment containing this means often end up applying HCG.

Form: Tablets containing 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 50 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Testosterone replacement therapy for male hypogonadism (eg after castration), eunuchoidizmus, conditional endocrine impotence, male menopause symptoms – decreased mental and physical activity, certain forms of infertility due to defects in spermatogenesis, osteoporosis caused by androgen deprivation.

Description: This means, given that it is produced mainly in the U.S., is reportedly the most frequently abused just athletes this country. I even met with the argument that it is an American version of the European testosterone enanthate with the same effects, and properties and side effects. The available information indicates that it is a strong anabolic and androgenic acting, easily the flavoring agent. Doping consumers indicate its excellent effects to increase muscle size, weight and power. But in the same breath admits volatility of these results, which fell sharply after its discontinuation. This is natural, because it acts to dramatically reduce endogenous testosterone production and also causes excessive water retention. Experienced Doping consumers but they can minimize the problem of abuse of additional anti-estrogenic agents (tamoxifen citrate, mesterolone) and means capable of influence to enhance the body’s own production of testosterone (HCG).

Side effects are consistent with those reported by means of testosterone enanthate.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that abuse of this facility is in the range 250-1000 mg in one week.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg.


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Atlatest, Delatest, Delatestryl, Depo-Testro-Med, Depotestrone, Despavir,Dura-Testate, Dura-Testosterone, Enarmon-Depot, Enosteron, Ergoteston, Everone, Exten Test, Malogen L.A., Malogex, Orquisteron-E-Depot, Primoniat-Depot, Primotest-Depot, Primoteston-Depot, Proviron-Depot, Reposterone, Repo-Test, Repo-Testro Med, Retandros-200, Span-Test, Tesone L.A., Testahome-Depot, Testanate, Testanthate, Testate, Testinon Depot 250 mg, Testisan-Depo, Testo-Enant, Testofort, Testone L.A., Testoron retard, Testosteron depo, Testosteron-Depot-Amp., Testostérone, Théramex, Testosteronum Prolongatum, Testostroval, Testoviron-Depot, Testrin-P.A., Testrolen, …

Therapeutic applications: Boys are used in conjunction with therapy aimed at accelerating growth, hypogonadism caused by a lack of androgens in women with certain forms of anemia.

Description: The available information indicates that it is a resource that is abused as doping consumers of pure volume anabolic-androgenic steroid. Its alleged effects of the building surpasses even so. hardsteroidy (oxymetholone, trenbolone, methandienone), which are considered to be unique in the abuse aimed at increase of brute matter. It has powerful androgenic anabolic effect of intense activity, which cause high water retention, increase muscle strength and excellent growth potential of particularly appreciated the thrust doping consumers. Are also indicated excellent regenerative abilities to achieve high parameters so apparently the one who is taking testosterone enanthate, after two or three hours of intense training legs without difficulty even say undergo training back. The above-mentioned states are also high napumpovanosti. Abused and the athletes who due to many years of heavy training, suffer from chronic joint pain and vertebrae to mitigate the pain is being manifested in practice.

For outstanding results achieved by means of testosterone enanthate, however, must be paid in the form of unusually rich negative properties. Means aromatizes easily, resulting in the time of abuse are very common so. feminization symptoms (wrapping the fat in the hips, gynecomastia), sharply reduces the endogenous production of testosterone is normal increase in blood pressure, acne on the back, chest and shoulders, but that is often picked up after discontinuation vehicle. Of course there is reduced spermatogenesis and places to uncontrolled aggression. Interest is the information that its negative effect on the liver as compared with oral steroids, however, considerably lower.

Abused benefits: Despite the fact that it is a long-acting depot agent with the effect of 2-3 weeks, doping consumers strongly prefer shorter intervals between his application. The available information shows that the frequent combination with almost all existing anabolic-androgenic steroids, which allegedly are always covered by the “right” receptors guaranteeing the desired effect doping consumers. Weekly doses in the range of 250-1000 mg, and once abused daily amount does not exceed 500 mg.

Form: Syringe ampoules containing 50 mg, 100 mg, 125 mg, 180 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Complete deficiency, or reduced production of testicular androgens, aplastic anemia, morbid conditions requiring support body protein anabolism (pituitary Nanism, Cushing’s syndrome), severe postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, some cases of metastatic cancer, mammary glands, bone and lung metastases etc.

Description: This is a testosterone ester with significantly lower duration effect, as for example when testosterone enanthate and cypionate – reported only one to two days of action. Doping consumers say that compared to the longer time acting testosterone esters it is at a very rapid onset of effects that are manifested after two days significantly stronger effect of the pump, increase training power, strength, and increased appetite. Moreover, does not cause significant water retention.
Adverse effects of the abuse of testosterone propionate are significantly lower and less frequent than with depot testosterone forms, but for long term administration, or the abuse of high doses there is still the risk of a massive acne, hair loss, increased body hair, deepening of the voice. The risk of gynecomastia, yet easy to aromatisation agent is reported to a minimum, as well as its toxic effect on liver.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that there are again several possibilities doping abuse consumers. Either combined with depot testosterone esters (enanthate, cypionate) at the beginning of the cycle, which guarantees immediate effect until the onset of action of depot forms, or abuse throughout the cycle in conjunction with other anabolic-androgenic agents. The most frequently mentioned as a means of oxymetholone, methandienone, stanozolol, oxandrolone, as well as injectable forms, especially in preparation for the competition. No matter what type of abuse it is, mentions the dose range 25-100 mg every other day.
I met with the information that some athletes use strength application of high doses of testosterone propionate day before the competition. Testosterone propionate is often misused as well as bridging material between competition and completed the training period, during which the abused drug tests easily identifiable anabolic-androgenic steroids. When given the appropriate dose and if propionate planted well before the date of a possible doping control, reportedly crossing the border risk ratio of testosterone / epitestosterone was minimal.

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Therapeutic applications: Complete deficiency, or reduced production of testicular androgens, some dysfunctional uterine bleeding disorders, some cases of metastatic mammary cancer in women, severe postmenopausal osteoporosis, aplastic anemia, morbid conditions requiring support body protein anabolism – eg. pituitary Nanism, Cushing Syndrome etc.

Description: These are called: crystalline, water soluble testosterone, testosterone was actually the first means used therapeutically later as supportive. It is known that this particular agent used in the 2nd World War II Wehrmacht soldiers to maintain strength and aggression, as well as for use in the treatment of war prisoners returning from concentration camps. It is expected that as the doping agent (although at this time has not been on the doping list, because it denoted. Rather “support”) was discovered by Russian weightlifters whose unstoppable advent of world competitions came in the 50th years. Pure testosterone without additional testosterone esters but “held” in the body for a short time, therefore therapy (or abuse) requiring multiple of daily application. Later connection with an ester (eg, isobutyrate in the middle Agovirin-depot) was longer acting agent.

Exploits the volume term, but also in preparation for the competition in order to keep the necessary muscle size, strength and ensure adequate filling muscle glycogen in the last 3 days before the day of competition.
Means of producing all known side effects reported by other means testosterone, but most often manifested in the form of hair loss, a short time after application there is a sharp reduction in the body’s own testosterone production resulting in very fast testikulámou atrophy. Known as a negative action on the prostate, gynecomastia and the creation of sharp increase sexual desire, which starts almost immediately after the first dose.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that the resource is exploited mainly thrust athletes who stood with them enormous power and even weight gain. To this end, most commonly misused doses ranging from 50-100 mg, either daily or every other day. It also gives bodybuilders abuse (50-100 mg formulation) in the last 10 days prior to the competition to achieve the desired muscle hardness. Reportedly, these doses is very effective in making the final “sugaring”.

Form: Injection ampoules containing 25-100 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Replacement therapy for male hypogonadism, for conditional endocrine impotence and some disorders of spermatogenesis, osteoporosis caused by androgen deprivation.

Description: This is a relatively new anabolic-androgenic steroid, which is coupled with a single Methyltestosterone oral formulation containing the active form of testosterone. Classic testosterone, administered by mouth, usually is immediately inactivated by the liver. Testosterone undecanoate lives resorbed lymphatic system, thus bypassing the liver preserving their vigorousness. Aromatizes only a minimal amount, especially those that use anabolic consumers who are less tolerant of classic testosterone, but also those who are preparing for the contest (reportedly has a very short detection time). Another advantage is testosterone undecanoate and that affects the body’s own natural production of testosterone, perhaps only at excessively high doses and longer abuse. Indicate the significant progress seen in strength and muscle recruitment, which means this can cause either alone, but most often in combination with other anabolic-androgenic agents.

Anabolic consumers familiar but also its drawbacks. Is first and foremost need to administer high a daily dose in order to reproduce the desired results. This fact is explained mostly short-lived, as testosterone undecanoate is rapidly degraded and excreted from the body in urine. This is sometimes supported by the claim that this means the use of those athletes who expect the possibility of being subjected to doping control.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that in order to reproduce the desired results (ie, increase strength and mass), doping consumers frequently abused 120-280 mg daily means, divided into three doses. It is argued that it is best taken after meals to increase absorption. In the foreign literature it is often mentioned in combination with oxandrolone, nandrolone decanoate and phenylpropionate and, stanozolol, or with highly toxic anabolic-androgenic steroids (eg, oxymetholone), which reportedly produces massive muscle gains.

Form: Capsules containing 40 mg.


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Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.

Description: Of materials available that it is a means of misused power cables especially athletes and bodybuilders. It supposedly except high androgenic effect and very high anabolic effect. Unlike other flavored vysokoandrogénnych means, because the active ingredient does not convert to estrogen. I therefore there feminization phenomena induced by abuse of the facility. Water retention is also very small, which makes it suitable to be exploited mainly in preparation for competition. Reported is the effective combination of poor diet in calories but rich in protein. The result is an excellent post-workout recovery, and brutally hard dense muscle mass with high žilnatosťou. Perhaps the course is a significant potential for power, which has a doping sinner, this means abusive.

The trenbolone, it is argued that the whole year is not abused anabolic-androgenic steroids. The period of use is limited to a few weeks, due to its toxicity. This represents an enormous burden on the kidneys and to a lesser extent, the liver. Mention the cases where the abuser Doping consumers means more time at the end literally urinated blood. Increasing fluid intake (3-5 liters) for abuse of trenbolone is considered by many as a necessity. Acne and hair loss are said to occur only rarely.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that most abused tend to benefit in the range of 76-228 mg per week. Of course, again there are combinations depending on in which period this composition abused. To increase the amount of funds being misused combination with stanozolol, methandienone, and oxymetholone. Gain muscle hardness and density provide data in combination with oxandrolone, but also with growth hormone.

Form: Injection ampoules containing 76 mg.


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Therapeutic application: Designed for veterinary use.

Description: According to the information available, it is an anabolic steroid, although intended for veterinary use, but in the 80th years was one of the most frequently abused means mostly athletes in bodybuilding and power disciplines. Although the means of production stopped in 1987, in the coming years, the market appeared sporadically as a means of increasing illegal gains in cattle with high anabolic potentials. Doping consumers found that the agent will increase strength without excessive weight gain, it does not cause almost no water retention, which has been beneficial in the case where the contestants had to “squeeze” a certain weight class. Those who use it report that its effects on the development of forces are fully comparable with such means as oxymetholone, methandienone, testosterone or means. A special feature of trenbolone acetate was also that assist in burning fat, and also in the bulk preparation was possible with the “using” build big, strong and hard muscles at the same time.

As it happens, each extremely effective means of misused athletes is also characterized by extremely negative effects on the body. Even veterinary trenbolone acetate is no exception. In the foreign literature it is mentioned high harmful to kidneys – especially for longer-term applications, or at higher doses. The classic manifestation of the “action” is a strong color of urine and blood, pain in the kidneys.
Of course there are also the subject androgenic problems – acne, headaches, and reportedly enormous aggressiveness and high blood pressure, which is surprising, not least because the agent does not hold water and salt.

Abused benefits: The foreign materials indicated that doping sinners usually applied 30-60 mg means every other day, often in combination with another anabolic-androgenic agents (eg, stanozolol, methandienone, oxymetholone). In the foreign literature also identifies cases of abuse of testosterone-mix means, which produced a record in a short time not only increases in strength, but also in the amount of muscle.

Since trenbolone acetate is a health means many doping sinners after its withdrawal from production presedlalo the only product containing trenbolone.

Form: 30 and 50 ml bottle containing 30 mg of composition per 1 ml.


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Therapeutic applications: Pituitary Nanism children before the end of the growth phase (ie, before closing growth plates), Turner’s syndrome, will be tested in patients with hypopituitarism, to promote healing of severe fractures.

Description: It is a paradox that this definitely means the most expensive is the most discussed and pharmaceutical products with which to illegally athletes increase their performance. It is generally accepted that growth hormones are abused en masse in almost every sports industry due to their absolute can not be detected in doping controls. Of course, that depends on the way abuse the sports industry and the effect it wants diversionary doping with GH achieve. Clearly, however, we can say that among bodybuilders is very popular as in the bulk preparation, as well as in preparation for the competition. There are proponents and opponents of the facility – some say that it represents compensation for anabolic-androgenic steroids wherever requirements are large and strong muscle, others support the idea of absolute inefficiency in processes improving athletic performance. Both groups, however, admit that the athlete’s body for a STH greatest risk, since the damage caused by this means it may be permanent.
What is growth hormone? It is a hormone-polypeptide composed of 191 amino acids. Is produced by the pituitary gland – after training, stress, low blood sugar, but also during sleep. GH itself has no direct effect, but stimulates the liver to produce a secretion of insulin-like growth factors and somatomedin to produce the necessary changes in the body. The liver is not limited opportunity to produce these substances, so their effect is limited. By the mid 80th STH years gained a very difficult and costly extraction from the pituitary glands of corpses, and later began to produce biotechnological synthesis Escherochia coli – K12 strain, transformation of mammalian cells – mouse (cell line C 127), a biosynthetically using recombinant DNA technology. From the observation of the application of human GH produced material can result in the creation Creutzfeld-Jakobsonovho syndrome (manifested after an incubation period of many years) in the therapeutic practice used mainly synthetically generated funds.
Misuse of funds STH is based on several arguments, which are usually validated and subsequently denied. One of them is a powerful anabolic effect manifesting itself in situations of protein synthesis, resulting in significant muscle hypertrophy lives (bunkv increase muscle) and muscle hyperplazmia (increase of muscle cells) unattainable abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids. In addition, highlights its ability to significantly reduce the size of adipose tissue and application of STH is reportedly seen in consolidation works tendons, sinews, cartilage and bone, which has been appreciated especially by those Doping consumers, who together with him and abusing anabolic-androgenic steroids inducing surge of power. In this case, there apparently is very little likelihood of injury even when using extreme training loads. However, there are several statements doping consumers (who admitted to abuse STH), which resonates particularly deep disappointment of the application of this very precious resource. Their failures tend to be downplayed and rationalized and justified in most short-term or low-dose application, a single application of MET (from information published on STH clear that its effects are reportedly much more pronounced in combination with anabolic-androgenic steroids, as well as insulin, thyroid hormone L-T3 a strong anti-catabolic operating funds – eg. clenbuterol hydrochloride), optionally applying counterfeit STH. Those who can not commit to the MET, in his statements to confirm one interesting fact – unlike anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse in GH after its withdrawal there is almost no drop in power, or a loss of muscle mass. This “experience” indirectly confirmed by one of the study devoted to the MET, which shows that the application of GH, the increase of muscle cells. STH or abuse may not be without side effects. It is true that in its application it is not elevated estrogen gynekomostia, reducing endogenous testosterone production, acne, hair loss, increased retention of salt and water etc. The main danger is a possible significant reduction in hyperglycemia and thyroid function, enlarged heart and internal organs, acromegaly and gigantism, but only if the consumer for doping yet closed bone growth cartilage. Recently, however, appear information also that, for long-term massive administration of GH, there is also the possibility of initiation leukemia. In addition, it should be noted that none of doping abuses of consumers STH alone, but usually in combination with other pharmaceutical agents. Then the risk of side effects may multiply greatly and is really hard to tell what is waiting for these athletes.

Abused benefits: The available material shows that the size and duration of abuse benefits applications is very diverse, but mostly limited – finances. And doping sinners know it very well. Who is willing to sacrifice them in large quantities, abusive STH long and relatively high doses of who has less, usually this option to defer the period shortly before the competition, when STH is to maintain muscle size after discontinuation of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Doping consumers who recognize that in preparation for the competition abused STH, now seem to agree on several points:
– The favorable effects of GH application are determined dose rate (half attempts are doomed to failure).
– The results of applications are better to-day amount not applied at once, but in several divided doses.
– The period during which applies STH, drop below 6 weeks (its effect does not decrease even after long-term effect, and after several months of application to produce the desired effect, the same dose is sufficient to start the application).
If you are looking for a response to the daily dose, and the materials available for the actual minimum is considered daily application including 4-8 STH.

Form: Ampoules of dried substrate containing 4-36 IU means.


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Therapeutic applications: Bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with reversible airways obstruction.

Description: Even though this is not the anabolic-androgenic steroid, those who used it, claiming that their effects are fully comparable with them. It has a very strong anti-catabolic properties, which reduces the states where there is degradation of muscle proteins with subsequent decline in performance. Also indicate the strong fat burning properties without respect drastic diets. Doping sinners use it most often in conjunction with anabolic-androgenic steroids due to maximize their effects.

Side effects are quite different from those which are characterized by anabolic-androgenic steroids. They are especially feeling restless, palpitations, trembling hands and fingers, excessive sweating, insomnia, in extreme doses, headache or nausea. These symptoms subside immediately after planting and means for re-deployment is apparently not present.
Until 1992, the impunity widely used by athletes to different levels and known affair with Krabeovou et al. he “said” the doping list. Anyway, by this time it was to be bought as a supplement Supplemental offered by various companies.

Abused benefits: According to the information available, abused doses depend primarily on the weight of doping sinner, ranging between 20-140 mcg per day. There are many schemes use the composition depending on the desired effect. I met with continuously increasing the dosage in each subsequent day with “you take two days, two days of pure”, in daily use the same dose, the use of training to increase the effect in the fat burning, taking the twice daily dosing apart for 12 hours, etc.. Competitive bodybuilders said clenbuterol hydrochloride is very often combined in the bulk phase by means of oxandrolone, stanozololom injection or injection and other means. In preparation for the competition, fat scorching effect amplifies the alleged abuse also means liothyronine sodium.

Form: Tablets of 10 mcg, 20 mcg, as well as drops and powder form for veterinary use.


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Therapeutic applications: Breast cancer therapy in advanced postmenopausal women with hormone-dependent tumors, including post-operative conditions.

Description: In the beginning of the book I mentioned that doping sinners (and not just be bodybuilders) are trying to eliminate the adverse effects that may erupt after used anabolic-androgenic steroids zaromatizujú. The result flavoring is abnormally high estrogen levels. The mammary glands of both men and women, there is a large number of estrogen receptors that respond to elevated levels of estrogen, such as proliferation of breasts – gynaecomastia. In addition, there are also a further manifestation of feminization, such as storage of fat in the hips that certainly for men, proud of their muscles, is not nothing nice. Antiestrogen tamoxifen citrate blocks the estrogen receptors under body tissue and prevents connection with estrogen receptors. It is clear that prevent aromatization of anabolic-androgenic steroids (like so many sinners Doping think), but its properties are only trying to eliminate wrong that could arise just due to aromatization. It is therefore a high probability that after stopping tamoxifen citrate estrogen levels remain high given the chance to express themselves. Many Doping sinners and therefore combines the facility still means with mesterolone.

Maybe you are asking the question about when tamoxifen citrate abused. In the available literature, his name is mentioned in one place, with massive resources administration methandienone, and oxymetholone practically all means for the testosterone. The body literally supercharged by a variety of means, but does not respond to tamoxifen citrate always clear. Materials are known, which is featured strong increase estrogen levels caused by just using this agent. And that was not enough bad news, I have another one – also admits the possibility of weakening the anabolic effect of the application of tamoxifen citrate for some types of anabolic-androgenic steroid with low androgenic effect.
Tamoxifen citrate side effects at low doses are not mentioned, at higher doses (above 30 mg) are reported problems with the stomach and vomiting, general lethargy and dizziness and visual disturbances dangerously strong. Finally you note – gynecomastia, if it is developed, is usually no cure and the only way to get rid of it is the operative procedure.

Abused benefits: The international literature there again some information about the possibility of abuse – the cycle after 4 weeks from the beginning of the cycle length in 2-3 weeks, or the same length at the end of the cycle. Daily doses in the range of 10-30 mg per day.

Form: Tablets containing 10-40 mg.


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Therapeutic application: Women – ovulation induction in anovulatory caused INTERFILT, substitution of pituitary luteinizing hormone, men – in childhood cryptorchidism in adult pituitary luteinizing hormone substitution in its lack of congenital or acquired (eg after pituitary surgeries).

Description: There is no anabolic-androgenic steroid but a protein hormone produced by the placenta in pregnant women. The reason why doping sinners interested in this tool is that it can support the natural production of testosterone, which influence the use of anabolic steroids than normal often drops sharply. If HCG is not applied, doping consumer (and not just one that is gambling with your health so much that does not hesitate to literally take megadoses of anabolic steroids and a very long time) is emerging after the critical phase of the cycle, which is marked by a sharp decrease in strength and often even steeper weight loss. It is reported that this state lasts as long as the natural production of testosterone reaches its normal level. For those who have come and minimal experience with the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids, or what you read about their side effects, certainly is not new information that these agents reduce their interest in sex. For partner doping sinners is indeed Lent. HCG causes, however, mentioned that all these phenomena are minimized. Many of doping sinners despite the known effect of HCG emphasize the necessity of ending a steroid cycle gradually reduce the dose. Only then is alleged HCG really effective because it supports the body’s own testosterone production, yet it takes some time for the body to function again come into its original form (if in fact it ever get).
For all media abused (and HCG is no exception), there is a risk of adverse side effects – feminization characters as gynecomastia and storage of fat in the hips, severe acne, or even morning sickness. The pharmacopoeias you may encounter with information about severe pain at the injection site, and allergic reactions – from skin to severe anaphylactoid reactions character, which in the case of late or incorrectly administered first aid there is a risk of death.

The abused benefits: There is information about the HCG is applied in two ways – over the cycle, which misused anabolic androgenic steroids (to prevent it from testicular atrophy), or following completion of a first-rate restoration of natural testosterone production. The question of the “right” effective dose is vykrištalizovaná. In the available literature, which includes testimony doping sinners experienced abuse at HCG, are given single doses of 2000-5000 IU applied every 5 days for 2-3 weeks. Often mentioned is the combination of agent clenbuterol hydrochloride and clomifene citrate.
If you raise the question of who belongs to the group of potential “exploitation” HCG, so are all those who do not hesitate to take anabolic-androgenic steroids long term, or those who abuse them in large doses. It is recognized the potential for abuse in the so-called. overarching term that arises from the failure of anabolic-androgenic steroids for a period of competitions where there is a real possibility the alleged doping control without the risk of breaking the boundary ratio testosterone / epitestosterone.

Form: Injection vial containing the dried substrate including 100-20000.


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Therapeutic Application: Used to induce ovulation in women who have difficulty conceiving, treatment of specific disorders of ovarian function, with male sterility oligoastenospermiou.

Description: Despite the fact that the synthetic estrogen was developed primarily for the treatment of women, men – doping sinners use it due to the ability to act effectively to increase endogenous testosterone production, which is said to be particularly effective in combination with anabolic-androgenic steroids. Reportedly already in 10-14 days can completely normalize spermatogenesis and testosterone production, strongly disturbed just taking anabolic-androgenic steroids. Therefore it is clear that the time comes at the end of the steroid cycles or shortly after weaning, most often in connection to HCG. Although clomiphene citrate is an estrogen, like cyclofenil has a very weak effect and when it deployed there to block estrogen receptors acting against much stronger estrogens. The side effects are frightening again – strong visual disturbances, abdominal pain, vomiting, weight gain, hot flashes, they are excluded or liver disorders.

Abused benefits: The available information indicates that the daily dose in the range of 50-100 mg, the maximum is used up to 5 days with a subsequent decrease in dose and discontinuation. The composition is not abused for more than 10-14 days.

Form: Tablets of 25 mg, 50 mg.


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Anastrozole (INN) (marketed under the trade name Arimidex by AstraZeneca) is an aromatase-inhibiting drug approved for treatment of breast cancer after surgery, as well as for metastasis in both pre and post-menopausal women. The severity of breast cancer is increased by estrogen, as sex hormones cause hyperplasia, and differentiation at estrogen receptor sites. Anastrozole works by inhibiting the synthesis of estrogen. The patent on Arimidex by AstraZeneca expired June 2010.

Medical uses: The ATAC (Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination) trial was an international randomised controlled trial of 9366 women with localized breast cancer who received either anastrozole, tamoxifen, or both for five years, followed by five years of follow-up. After more than 5 years the group that received anastrozole had significantly better clinical results than the tamoxifen group. The trial suggested that anastrozole is the preferred medical therapy for postmenopausal women with localized breast cancer that is estrogen receptor (ER) positive. Another study found that the risk of recurrence was reduced 40%, which also included an increased risk of bone fractures, and that ER negative patients benefited from switching to anastrozole.

Mechanism of action: Anastrozole binds reversibly to the aromatase enzyme through competitive inhibition, inhibits the conversion of androgens to estrogens in peripheral tissues (outside the CNS), and a few CNS sites in various regions within the brain.

Side effects: Bone weakness has been associated with anastrozole. Women who switched to anastrozole after two years on tamoxifen reported twice as many fractures as those who continued to take tamoxifen (2.1% compared to 1%). Bisphosphonates are sometimes prescribed to prevent the osteoporosis induced by aromatase inhibitors. The level of circulating oestradiol is likely causal here and not the anastrozole itself, and so the dose will determine likelihood of osteoporosis (oestradiol inhibits osteoclasts, which resorb bone).

Usage in men: Anastrozole has been tested for reducing estrogens, including estradiol, in men. Excess estradiol in men can cause benign prostatic hyperplasia, gynecomastia, and symptoms of hypogonadism. It can also contribute to increased risk of stroke, heart attack, chronic inflammation, prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Some athletes and body builders will also use anastrozole as a part of their steroid cycle to reduce and prevent symptoms of excess estrogens; gynecomastia and water retention. Study data suggests dosages of 0.5 mg to 1 mg a day reduce serum estradiol approx. 50% in men, which differs in postmenopausal women.

Usage in children: Anastrozole may be used off-label in children with precocious puberty, or children with pubertal gynecomastia. Following the onset of puberty, the epiphyseal plate begins to close due to an increased amount of estrogen production escaping local metabolism and spreading to the circulatory system. It is shown to help slow this process, and increase adult height prediction in adolescent males treated with protein-based peptide hormones for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency.

Chemical synthesis: The synthesis begins with nucleophilic substitution of two benzylic bromides in α,α’-dibromomesitylene (prepared by radical bromination of mesitylene, not shown on the scheme) with cyanide by treatment with potassium cyanide under phase transfer conditions, affording the dinitrile. Exhaustive methylation with methyl iodide and sodium hydride leads to the replacement of the more acidic side chain hydrogen atoms by methyl groups. The treatment with bromine in the presence of benzoyl peroxide leads to the formation of the corresponding benzyl bromide. Reaction of that product with 1,2,4-triazole in the presence of a base completes the synthesis of the aromatase inhibitor.