How important is vitamin C? Research has shown that vitamin C has antioxidant, immune-boosting and regenerative properties that you cannot ignore!
Although all vitamins are extremely important for normal bodily function, a few of them stand out, as does vitamin C. This vitamin has various properties, which makes it important not only from a health point of view, but also from a sports point of view.
Although vitamin C has gained a reputation as a powerful antioxidant, it is also critical to the healthy functioning of immune cells, which is why you can see so many vitamin C supplements at your local pharmacy.
What is vitamin C?
Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is a weak sugar acid and has a glucose-like structure. It has historically been used in the treatment and prevention of scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency disease.
When you think of vitamin C, you will probably think of orange juice, because the best way to get your daily dose is to consume any type of citrus fruit, such as limes, lemons and oranges. Although the food version is often preferred because it contains fruit fiber, the isolated supplemental form of this nutrient has also been studied in detail and has much to offer.
Why should I take vitamin C?
Inside the body, vitamin C plays many functions in almost every system. Most of these processes are associated with the antioxidant effect of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, vitamin C plays a role in the purification of harmful molecules known as “reactive oxygen species” (ROS). ROS are natural by-products of many metabolic processes, and ROS production increases during activities such as intense exercise or prolonged stress.
As the name suggests, ROS are extremely reactive with almost anything they can access: cell membranes, proteins, and so on. While ROS are a normal part of the metabolic process, they can also be very harmful if their levels go wild, increasing the body’s demand for antioxidants.
Vitamin C supplementation can provide the body with the necessary antioxidants to help neutralize these molecules and keep them at healthy levels.
What are the available forms of vitamin C?
While the most commonly available form of vitamin C in most supplements is L-ascorbic acid, in the body vitamin C rapidly oxidizes to ascorbate, the form that is most physiologically active. It usually occurs in an acidic environment such as the stomach.
What are the benefits of vitamin C?
Preventing vitamin C deficiency is important for the body and is incredibly easy. In addition to all the foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower, there are now a number of prepared foods enriched with vitamin C that will give you even more of this important vitamin.
Research confirms that vitamin C provides a number of important health benefits, including boosting the immune system, antioxidant properties, and restoring depleted levels caused by exercise stress.
Although taking high doses of vitamin C cannot prevent the common flu, super high doses like 2-3 grams of vitamin C a day have been studied, and some researchers believe they can reduce the overall time of your illness.
The nutrient vitamin C, present in large amounts in immune cells, is thought to play a role in promoting the production and release of cytokines, as well as in increasing the efficiency of monocytes and getting them where they are supposed to be in the body. However, when the disease occurs, these supplies are rapidly depleted, which is why vitamin C is often included in products such as cough drops and flu drugs.
In addition, vitamin C is a cofactor for several enzymes, which means that the reaction cannot proceed effectively if the vitamin is not present. This includes things such as reactions associated with collagen synthesis, encapsulation of fat in mitochondria for ATP production, and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine.
Due to its protective and antioxidant effects, there is evidence that vitamin C can reduce muscle pain from exercise. Two studies have confirmed this, using at least 1 gram of vitamin C as a separate supplement to test its effect. Most In studies where no benefit was reported, they used either much lower doses or used in combination with other supplements, which may reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C and could explain why these effects have not been shown before.
If you want to be doubly sure that you will reach your recommended daily allowance (ODD) for vitamin C, you can always kick your intake with a multivitamin supplement, or you can choose a separate vitamin C supplement if you prefer higher doses.
Are there any side effects of vitamin C?
Because water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C do not tend to enter long-term storage as fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), although excessive consumption tends to be excreted in the urine. This is why concentrations of vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins are rarely able to build up to toxic levels.
Previous studies have shown that the most common side effects of excessive vitamin C consumption include diarrhea and an increased risk of dental erosion. Several studies have reported no side effects at all, although individuals have taken higher than normal doses. However, it is recommended. that the consumer complies with the ODD for vitamin C.
What is the possible interaction?
Vitamin C has been shown to interact with many other vitamins and minerals, especially in cell cultures. For example, vitamin C has been shown to have an energy-saving effect on vitamin E, leading to reduced oxidation of cell membranes and less free radical formation.
Supplementary use of vitamin C may also increase the rate of absorption and availability of minerals such as iron and zinc. For iron, it is important that it must be free iron that is not bound by the heme group. This means that it should not come from a meat product. Another reason to look for a good multivitamin!
What is the best way to consume vitamin C?
The recommended daily allowance (ODD) of 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day for men and 75 milligrams per day for women is easily achieved through diet. Foods high in vitamin C tend to be citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, although other foods such as cabbage also contain significant amounts of vitamin C.
However, in terms of benefits for exercise, the dosage needs to be slightly higher. Usually, the easiest way to increase your vitamin C intake is to use a complete multivitamin or a separate vitamin C supplement. Because of the role of vitamin C in proper immune function, supplements actually come in all shapes and sizes, including tablets, chewable tablets, pure vitamin C supplements. beverage mixes and even cough drops with vitamin C.
While vitamin C is definitely not a disposable drug at all, making sure you have enough of it can help you support your immune system and reduce muscle damage, both of which help maintain your health and performance for a long time. More healthy days and strong workouts are always a win!
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