ContentsWhat is acne?What are the causes of acne?How to get rid of acne?And what about pimple extrusion? Should Acne Be Squeezed Out?What do you get out of it?Red pimples, black dots, white dots, painful pimples – we can all imagine this under an unpleasant and annoying problem called acne. It has more serious and less serious forms, sometimes it requires the intervention of a doctor. It is most often a nightmare for adolescents, but it cannot be avoided by adults either.

What is acne?

Acne is a chronic skin disease in which there is excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands and subsequent clogging of the pores (hair follicles). When the pores become clogged, it often does not end, these places can ignite and at the same time they are an ideal environment for the multiplication of bacteria.

What are the causes of acne?

Acne is partly a “win” in the genetic lottery. However, it is also significantly affected by hormonal changes (especially the excessive production of male hormones androgens). Acne changes most often occur in puberty due to changes in hormone levels. Women also know from experience that the production of acne changes in the various stages of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy or during the onset of menopause. This health problem is also common in athletes who use anabolic steroids. 
Furthermore, the surrounding environment (environmental pollution, humidity, etc.), stress, cosmetics used or lifestyle contribute to the formation of acne. 

Types of acne

Acne comedones is characterized by black or white spots on the skin (called comedones), this degree of acne is not yet inflammatory and is the least severe
acne papulopustular is manifested by inflamed red pimples, often with a white purulent top
the most severe form of acystic acne, in which large inflamed cysts occur, often leaving scars
Acne does not only appear on the face, but can also make life uncomfortable on the back, neck, shoulders or hair, for example.

How to get rid of acne?

Remember that this is a disease, not just an aesthetic problem. Therefore, especially for more serious forms, follow the recommendations of a dermatologist who will help you with acne treatment. It is often a long distance run and acne can sometimes not get rid of it completely. However, it will always be possible to at least alleviate it. You can definitely help yourself by focusing on the factors you can influence.

1. Drink more and better and try to reduce stress

You may not be surprised that acne is next on the list of problems that can be exacerbated by stress. The inflammation present is promoted by hormones (e.g. cortisol and the already mentioned androgens), which are formed to a greater extent during stress and can also be stimulated by substances which are formed directly in the skin in response to stress.

How to reduce stress in everyday life?

Move. Exercise has excellent stress-reducing effects. Walk regularly, run, work out at home or in the gym, dance, swim, do what you enjoy. Stress will help reduce both aerobic and anaerobic physical activity.Spend at least 7 hours a day. Don’t forget its quality either. Insufficient and poor sleep is also considered a serious stress factor. 
Relax with activities that make you happy and relax.
Try different relaxation activities, such as meditation or yoga.
Harden yourself. Cold showers can help you lower your stress hormone cortisol or increase your serotonin levels to keep you in a better mood. 
If you have trouble sleeping, read our article What to do if sleep doesn’t work? Focus on these 7 types of rest.

2. Help yourself with nutrition. Remove the sugar and add to the seafood.

The effect of nutrition on acne formation is an indefinitely discussed topic. Currently, science is inclined to the fact that a diet with a high glycemic index, which contains a high amount of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates and significantly increases blood sugar (so-called glycemia), can have a negative effect. 
You can reduce your blood glucose index with these tips:
Limit foods containing simple sugar (confectionery, sweetened drinks, sweetened dairy products, juices, cakes, desserts, etc.).
Include higher amounts of fiber in the form of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
Avoid white bread, large portions of dried fruit or breakfast cereals (you can do well by replacing those chocolate balls with oatmeal or sprinkled muesli).
Pay attention to a diet rich in protein (dairy products, lean meat, fish, etc.) and quality sources of fat (vegetable oils, nuts, seeds).

Add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet

Conversely, acne problems could be alleviated by the anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids you get regular consumption of fatty sea fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, etc.), but also with the help of flax or chia seeds, walnuts, soybean or rapeseed oil. If fish are not a regular part of your diet, it would be worth supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids.

What vitamins will help us with acne?

So far, no vitamins or minerals are known to miraculously help us. The best thing to do is take care of a balanced diet with enough vegetables and fruits to get the widest possible range of nutrients and keep your skin healthy.

3. Make sure you have an adequate drinking regimen to keep your skin healthy and hydrated

Healthy skin is sufficiently hydrated skin. While there is no convincing evidence that a sufficient drinking regimen reduces the incidence of acne, we know that water is needed for proper processes in the body, including those in the skin.
Therefore, do not neglect the drinking regime and drink 30 – ⁠45 ml of fluids per kilogram of your weight daily. Imagine a girl named Lenka who weighs 60 kg. Lenka should receive 1800 – ⁠2700 ml of fluids daily.
Maybe she would be frightened that she had to drink so much. The good news is that they don’t have to, because up to 20% of their daily fluid intake is normally in the diet. It therefore has 1440 – ⁠2160 ml of fluids to drink. It should ideally drink the recommended amount in the form of pure water, weakly mineralized mineral water or unsweetened teas.
The need for fluids increases with physical activity or warm and humid weather. It also varies based on how much a person sweats. With heavy sweating, the athlete can lose 3 liters of fluid per hour during exercise. 
If you are more interested in the topic of drinking regime, definitely do not miss our article How an insufficient drinking regime affects health.

4. Maintain an optimal weight, obesity does not benefit our skin

It is now well known that keeping your weight in the optimal range is a prevention of a large number of diseases. But you may be surprised that this also applies to acne. Obesity is characterized by insulin resistance and overproduction of IGF-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1), which are also involved in the formation of acne. In addition, hyperandrogenism (increased levels of the male genital organs) can be observed in obese women, which occurs, for example, in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 
The optimal weight is given as BMI (Body Mass Index) in the value of 20 – ⁠25 kg / m2. Since BMI tells us nothing about body composition and the amount of muscle and fat mass, it is good to remember that for a woman it is advisable to have about 21 – 31% body fat (more than 35% already means obesity), while for men it is 12 – ⁠25% body fat (more than 25% already indicates obesity). 
Maintain weight by combining proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, adequate and quality sleep, and reducing stress factors in daily life.

5. Avoid cigarettes, they also affect the skin

Perhaps there is no body that is not negatively affected by smoking. Its skin, which is the largest organ in the body, does not avoid its harmful effects. Smoking probably stimulates the inflammatory processes that are involved in acne.

6. Clean your skin honestly and gently, take care of your choice of cosmetics

Areas of skin and skin with acne are not dirty, as many people think, but primarily sensitive. Therefore, it is essential that a person with this problem takes care of proper hygiene, which is gentle and does not harm sensitive skin.

How to properly care for the skin?

Do not touch your face more than necessary. No scratching or catching your face with dirty hands so you don’t irritate acne unnecessarily.
Ideally, use those cleansers that describe them as suitable for acne prone skin. You will definitely not step aside when you get advice from a dermatologist or pharmacist.
Do not use peels and soaps. Improper cosmetics can support inflammatory processes. Also avoid essential oil and oil-containing cosmetics, as the oil clogs the pores. 
After washing, just dry your face, do not rub it.
Try to use as little cosmetics as possible, limit yourself to using make-up, a large number of creams, etc

As we mentioned above, acne is not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders and other parts of the body, so adjust your clothing accordingly. Wear clothing that is loose and breathable so that it does not irritate the skin and keep sweat.

And what about pimple extrusion? Should Acne Be Squeezed Out?

As much as it attracts you and you want to get rid of them, do not squeeze the pimples, try to reach for them as little as possible. Displacing the problem will only make the problem worse and increase the chance that you will have scars and acne marks on your skin.

What do you get out of it?

Acne is a complicated health problem that is caused by a number of factors. From genetic predisposition to hormonal and environmental influences to factors that affect our lifestyle and we can influence them ourselves. Self-treatment may not always be effective and the solution may end up being the help of a dermatologist. However, always make sure that you do what you are in control of correctly. In addition to a healthy body weight, pay attention to a long and quality sleep, a proper diet and a sufficient drinking regime, reduce stress, say goodbye to smoking and, last but not least, take good care of your skin. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids

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